The true measure of quality at GEM is customer satisfaction.

Because customer satisfaction and the quality of our products are and will continue to be the keys of our competitiveness for years to come, it is increasingly vital for us at GEM to understand and use our quality management system to do the best job, the first time, every time.  To ensure that our quality management system will provide a solid foundation for success, it is essential that we continually improve our quality management system and related processes.


GEM’s quality policy is a sign of our pride and commitment and serves as a clear reminder to all relevant parties of our focus and direction.

Our policy is as follows:

Gen-El-Mec Associates, LLC. is committed to producing and supplying parts to all applicable requirements on time, every time.  This commitment is achieved by constantly evaluating the effectiveness of our quality management system.  The employees of Gen-El-Mec Associates, LLC. strive to exceed expectations to drive continual improvement by meeting performance goals, with the ultimate goal being total customer satisfaction.

GEM prides itself on being ISO 9001 and AS9100 certified – click here to see our current certification and scope.

Supplier Requirements

In an effort to maintain our high quality standards, we expect all of our suppliers to adhere to our Terms and Conditions (click link to review most current terms and conditions).  Upon accepting a purchase order from GEM, the supplier is agreeing to accept these terms and conditions.

GEM appreciates any feedback you may have regarding our organization. Please send any comments/concerns/questions to our Quality Systems Manager, Alexis Worobel, at